Saturday, October 20, 2007

Artin Baby Shower - Oct 2007

Kate and Keith Baby Shower
We co-hosted (with Sneha and Jeff) a baby shower for Keith and Kate when they were due with their first baby, Phoebe.  It was a co-ed shower attended by many of their friends, including John, JoAnna, Phil, Joyce, Steve, Forest, Kim, Kate, Zoe, Johnny Mac, Keith and Kate's parents, and Keith's sister Kelli.

Phil, Johnny, Keith
We decorated the house in green and purple, which were the colors that Kate selected to decorate Phoebe's room.  And, we served different salads and desserts (including cup cakes) as a light lunch.

Keith A's Mom and Steve
After everyone arrived and ate, we played a few typical baby shower games, including the one where you have to guess the prices of common baby items.  We also did one where you had to put a paper plate on your head and draw a baby -- there were some interesting renditions!

Kate and Keith
We then moved on to the opening of the gifts which took quite some time as they got a lot of gifts.  Kelli, Keith's sister, got them a ton of baby outfits that were pinned on a line.  As Kate took them out of the bag, she passed along the line which went around the room so that we could all see the outfits.

Kelli's Clothes Line of Clothes
We enjoyed hosting the event at our house.  Everyone had a great time and Keith and Kate got some awesome gifts!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Krispy Kreme Challenge - Feb 2007

Keith, Kate, Becca, Keith, Shawna - Ready for the Race!
We heard about the Krispy Kreme Challenge on the local radio station.  The race actually began in 2004 as a dare between a few NC State students and grew from there.  The challenge is quite simple: in the month of February (yup: cold!), meet at the NC State Bell Tower early in the morning.  Run two miles to the local Krispy Kreme, consume a dozen plain glazed donuts, then run back to the Bell Tower - all to raise funds for North Carolina Children's Hospital.  Running and eating donuts quickly - unknowingly, Keith has been training for this event his whole life!

Keith, Shawna, Kate, Becca - Making the Way There
This year there were about 1000 people running the event.  In addition to us, Keith, Kate, and Becca did the run.  At the starting pistol, we began the first leg of the run.  By the time we were 3/4 the way to the KK, we already saw a runner heading back - and you could just smell the sugar poring out of his pores!

Becca and Keith - Finished their Dozen!
There were over a thousand boxes of a dozen plain glazed waiting for us.  Unfortunately, they were not "hot and now"; otherwise we could have consumed them even faster.  Keith wolfed down his dozen, then started looking for seconds.  Shawna was struggling with the first six, so Keith happily ate four of Shawna's - always trying to contribute to the family!  Once all the donuts were consumed, we started back to the Bell Tower - not surprisingly a bit slower than the way out!  Once we arrived at the end (all under an hour) we could see quite a few of the runners blowing chunks - wimps!

Shawna and Becca - Near the Finish Line
This is one item off our Bucket List - with no need to ever do again.  Plus, expending 400 calories to consume 3600 calories does not net out to a useful weight loss program!

Shawna and Keith