Monday, June 22, 2009

Supper Club - June 2009

The Gang on the Deck
It was our turn to host Suppa Club and we decided to try a Lobster Fest.  We ordered 10 lobsters from Simply Lobster and then had everyone bring a side.  John, JoAnna, Kim, Jonathan, Julie, Phil and Joyce joined us and they brought corn (which we grilled), potato salad, tomato salad and dessert.

...and after
We all dawned the bibs and had an awesome meal out on the back deck at our house.  We did not not lobster crackers so we improvised and used a hammer to crack the shell.  It surely did the trick.

Jonathan and Kim
Joyce and JoAnna
A very happy Julie

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Relay for Life - June 2009

Relay for Life - Durham
This was our fifth year participating in Relay for Life in Durham.  Each year, our team, the Flashbacks, raised the most money of all the teams, typically over $10K.  Shawna was the highest individual fund raiser this year as she raked in the dollars in honor of her brother's death who she suddenly lost to cancer in January of this year.

Keith, John, JoAnna
Keith making funnel cakes
The theme was Carnival and so we decided to make and sell funnel cakes, fried oreos and fried candy bars.  It was quite the hit but it was also quite time consuming!

Like previous years, we had a great time.  We each took turns walking (we were always one of the few teams who actually walked through the night).  And when we were not walking, we relaxed, read, and walked around to see the other booths.  It's always reassuring and refreshing to see all of the survivors who show up to the event -- making all of the fundraising worth while!

Keith, Phoebe and Kate
In Honor of Dan Desselle

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mardi Gras - Feb 2009

Kate and Sarah
It is an annual tradition that we host a Mardi Gras party at our house and this year makes the fourth one that we hosted in Raleigh.  We had about 30 of our friends join us in this celebration of gluttony!

We decorated the house with all of our tacky decorations.  And, Shawna made the usual fare: jambalaya, shrimp fettuccine (which has got to be one of the most fattening dishes ever), bourbon bread pudding, king cake and of course Hurricanes, the dangerous infamous drink of New Orleans.

JoAnna and Shawna
We started out the evening with some snacks and a Mardi Gras trivia game.  We also crowned the king and queen which usually is someone who did not come dressed in green, yellow and/or purple!  After lots of drinking and eating, we then attempted to display our talents with karaoke and guitar hero until the late hours of the evening.  Let's just say that America's Got Talent will not be calling us anytime soon.  We had a lot of laughs at each of the performances.

Kate and John

For more photos if this event: