Monday, December 6, 2010

Xmas Party - Dec 2010

Enjoying the Feast
This was our fifth year hosting the Christmas Party in Raleigh.  We had our usual attendees (John/JoAnna, Keith/Kate, Kim/Jonathan, Phil/Joyce, Steve/Amy, Julie/Blake, Teresa/Brandon, Stephanie/Jason) and special guests - the Snarrs who drove up from Charlotte and spend the night with us with their kids.

Jonathan, Kim, Teresa, Brandon

Joyce, Keith
For dinner, we served fried turkey, stuffed pork tenderloin, potato gratin, chipotle mac-n-cheese and green beans.  As usual, there was more food than necessary!

Kate, JoAnna
After filling our tummies, we did the gift exchange -- this year the theme seemed to be snuggies and shake weights!

Julie and Blake Trying On the Snuggy

Kate Testing the Shake Weight