Friday, October 3, 2014

Jennifer Rapp Visit - Sept 2014

Jennifer and Todd
Jennifer (a colleague of Shawna's) and Todd (Jennifer's boyfriend) came to visit us for the weekend.  They arrived in Denver on Friday night and stayed at a hotel downtown and then joined us at our house on Saturday.  After giving them the tour of the house and unloading the gazillion pieces of luggage that Jennifer had, we went over to Tap and Dough near our house for lunch where we had salad and beer.  We then went to see the Chihuly Exhibit at the Botanic Gardens.  Keith and Shawna had seen the exhibit on opening night so was cool to see it with less people around.

Chihuly Exhibit
On Saturday evening, we had dinner at Linger where we shared a number of yummy dishes after having a few drinks at the outside bar.  After dinner, we attempted to get Little Man ice cream but the line was crazy long so we opted to get a few more beers at The Ale House.  By this time, the line died down somewhat so we went back for ice cream.  Quite full at this point, we returned home to crash for the evening.

Shawna and Jennifer at the Chihuly Exhibit
On Sunday, we went for a walk in the park and then drove up to Boulder to the Avery Brewing Company for the release of the Rumpkin beer.  Shawna stuck to wheat beer (which Keith sipped as well) while Jennifer and Todd tried all of the beers they had on tap.  We then drove to Longmont and grabbed a late lunch at Oskar Blues, followed by a visit to the Oskar Blues Brewery where we tasted more beer.  This brewery was pretty cool with large tables both in and outside with large garage doors that opened to the outside.  There was also a bluegrass band playing which was quite good.  We returned home and just relaxed for the evening, snacking on tomato salad and hummus with pita (we were quite full from the day) and watching TV.

Shawna and Jennifer at Avery Brewing Company
Jenn and Todd left for Vail on Monday morning where they were going to spend a few nights in the mountains.  It was great to have them over and fun to venture out to breweries we had not yet been to!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

White Ranch Park - Aug 2014

Another great hike!  We hiked the Belcher Hill Trail, Maverick Trail, Longhorn Trail and Whippletree Trail back to the Belcher Hill Trail in White Ranch Park (just a few miles north of Golden).  Total distance was 6.3 miles with over 2K feet in elevation gain and it took us 3 hours.  Hike is mostly exposed and thus not much shade.  Good up and downhill sections.  There is no 'summit' but there are great views of the surrounding foothills.  Definitely would do again.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Golden Gate Canyon State Park - Aug 2014

Another great hike.  The Golden Gate Canyon State Park is located about 15 miles west of Golden.  The road is a bit windy from Golden so it took us an hour to get from our house to the trail head.

We hiked the Mountain Lion Trail and then went up Windy Peak.  In total, we hiked 7.7 miles and over 1200 feet in elevation gain.  It took us 3 hours and 45 minutes which included about 10 minutes of resting at the top.  We hiked it counterclockwise which we think is better as this way you are doing most of the uphill in the shade.  The first part of the hike is mostly uphill and follows a stream.  You are in the trees so no much views but great shade.  At the top of Windy Peak, we had great views of the mountains to the west.  The second half of the hike also had great views of the hills and valley, passing an old home that was built and owned by Swedish farmers who lived in the area.  We ran into a few hikers but it was not nearly as busy as the other hikes we have done and best of all, no bikers!

There is another long hike in the park that we want to go back and try.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Mount Falcon Park - July 2014

View from Top
True to our commitment, this is the third week in a row trying out local hikes.  This one was at Mount Falcon Park in Morrison.  We hiked up the Castle Trail - up 2000 feet and a total of 7 miles round trip.  The hike was somewhat strenuous - a lot of up hill.  There is not much shade either so better to do in early morning.  The scenery was beautiful and it is certainly a good work out.  At the top, we saw the remains of an old house that was once owned by John Brisben Walker in the early 1900s.  We really enjoyed this hike and would definitely recommend it.  Only downside is that there are quite a few bikers on the trail.

We made it!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Helena Visit - July 2014

Keith and Helena worked together in Kandersteg in 1990.  Helena was visiting her daughter in California so made a quick weekend trip to Colorado.

Keith and Helena
Keith picked her up at the airport on Thursday night - just had a quick catch up - we last saw each other at the Scout reunion six months earlier.  On Friday, Helena borrowed the Audi and headed down to Colorado Springs to see Garden of the Gods, The Incline, pizza at Hells Kitchen and then the obligatory outlet shopping in Castle Rock on the way home.  Unfortunately, Helena somehow lost her phone while shopping.  We went for dinner at Root Down where we had Kale Salad (the best we have ever had), Diver Scallops, Lemon Gnocchi, Colorado Meatballs, and the Venison special.
Keith, Helena, and Shawna

On Saturday we left the house at 8:15am and drove to the Lenawee Trail hike - which is about 6 miles past Keystone Village.  The 7 mile round trip hike starts through a forest and ascends to open fields until it terminates at a ridge overlooking Arapahoe Basin, a total elevation gain of 2100 feet.  It is a beautiful hike - now one of our favorites in the area.  The hike up was about 2.5 hours, 20 minutes at the top, and then back down - with a total round trip of 4.5 hours.  We dropped by Keystone on the way home for a beer at 9280 Tap House - there was a Wine and Jazz festival so the village was hopping.  After a shower and a bit of a rest we went to dinner at Izakaya Den where we had Edamame, Crispy Brussel Sprouts, Wagyu Beef Sliders, Crispy Tuna, Miso Black Cod, and a couple of Sushi Rolls.
Helena admiring the view at 12,500 feet
After our normal routine in the morning we headed out to Red Rocks to see the park, followed by a 1.5 loop on the Matthew-Winter Park trail.  It was pretty hot but very comfortable in the shade.  We dropped by Whole Foods in Cherry Creek so Shawna could get the ingredients for a salmon salad lunch.  Shawna then took Helena to the airport at 2:30 since she was also flying out to Hartford the same night. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Windy Saddle Park - July 2014

View from atop Windy Saddle
We decided that we wanted to try more hikes in the area to give us a break from walking in circles at Wash Park.  We hiked up the Chimney Gulch Trail in Windy Saddle Park and connected to the Lookout Mountain Trail to hike to the top of Lookout Mountain.  The hike was 7 miles round trip and took us 3 hours.  It was moderately strenuous with a few steep parts.  The first mile of this hike is not exciting as you can hear highway 6 behind you and can see houses to your left.  However, once you cross Lookout Mountain road the first time, it becomes pretty as you hike up into the valley.  At the top of Windy Saddle, there is a great view of the mountains west of Golden.  We continued on for another mile up to the top of Lookout Mountain; however, with all the trees, you can't see too much from up there.  

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Liz Visit - June 2014

Liz and Keith
After seeing Liz on both coasts (NYC and SF), she came to Denver for 100 hours of fun.  Keith's flight from SF was to arrive about an hour before Liz, but with a delay leaving SF, Keith only had 15 minutes at the airport before Liz arrived.  After driving home and giving Liz the tour, they both crashed for the evening.

On Thursday, Keith headed to the office and Liz borrowed the Audi and drove down to Garden of the Gods and then for a hike up the incline.  Keith dropped by Whole Foods on the way home from work to pick up picnic supplies before he and Liz drove out to Red Rocks to see One Republic with their opening act The Script.  The show was fantastic - the only disappointment was that Shawna was still in SF at a conference so could not make it.

OneRepublic at Red Rocks
On Friday, Keith worked from home in the morning before heading out with Liz.  The first stop was Beso de Artes in Morrison where they chowed down on guac and fish tacos.  To burn that off, the next stop was Matthews-Winters Park where they knocked the hike out in 2.5 hours.  After heading home, Keith had a nap in the afternoon before going to Linger for dinner.  Shawna's flight was on time so she went straight to Linger in the cab and met Keith and Liz in time for drinks on the rooftop bar before dinner.  We shared a delicious dinner of dates, salmon, fish tacos, shishoto peppers, BBQ duck buns, and masala dosa. Despite every plan to go to Little Man Ice Cream to wrap up the evening, we were way too full so just headed home.

Keith on Matthews-Winters Park Hike
On Saturday, we slept in a bit before packing up the car and driving out to Vail.  Our first stop was a hike just up the road from Georgetown but the trail was covered with snow so we bagged that.  Instead Shawna found a hike just off I-70 in Frisco - Mt Royal.  It was 2 hours total and had some great views.  We called the Lodge at Vail to make sure the room was ready - and it was!  After checking in, we went for a couple of beers at Tavern on the Gore - paired with some hummus and some truffle fries.  We topped that off with a cupcake before Keith and Shawna headed back for a nap and Liz wandered around Vail Village.  After the refreshing nap, we showered and headed to the bar at Mountain Standard for a couple of drinks.  Dinner was at Sweet Basil - Blue Crab Salad and Venison Carpaccio to start, Monk Fish and Beef Cheek for main course, and Sticky Toffee Pudding all around for dessert - plus a couple of bottles of Viognier.  Since we didn't want to call it a night, we dropped by the Red Lion for two more beers where we also listened to a live band.

Shawna and Liz on top of Mount Royal
Is that Keith Checking Email?
After sleeping in until about 9am, we grabbed breakfast at the hotel and then packed up and headed out.  We did a quick 1 hour hike in Dillon - Tenderfoot Trail - which was relaxing but nice.  We dropped by Mod Market on Colfax for lunch, stopped by REI for 30 minutes for Liz to buy some shoes, then headed home.  Shawna and Keith did some things around the house while Liz got organized and packed up for her trip to England.  Keith then drove Liz to the airport.

View from Tenderfoot Hike - Lake Dillon and Breckenridge