Tuesday, March 14, 2023

St Pat's Weekend in Chicago with John and JoAnna - March 2023

It had been 14 years since we last celebrated St Pat's in Chicago so we decided to make another go at it!  John and JoAnna arrived Thursday morning - we both had to work that day while they relaxed.  John and JoAnna went over to Lottie's around 1pm to watch the Duke game and Shawna joined them for a bit of it.  That evening, we had dinner at The Gage with John's friend Jeff, and then went to see the show Wait Wait Don't Tell Me which was a live taping on the NPR radio show.  The show was quite entertaining!  


Wait Wait Don't Tell Me

On Friday, Shawna worked a half day and then the three of us went for a walk along the 606 and then up to Lonesome Rose for lunch.  The food was quite tasty.  On our walk back, we stopped and had a beer at Pilot Project Brewery - which has a large, modern tasting room.  By this time, we texted Keith who was done with his work and so he met us for a beer or two at the Map Room and then we stopped at Lottie's for one beer. We then ordered pizza from Pequod's and proceeded to watch the Duke game (they won) and tried to stay up to watch the UVA game (they also won) but we were too tired!

Map Room

Lonesome Rose


Saturday was the big day - we headed downtown around 8:30 to see the 10am dying of the river.  We finally found a decent spot but had to stand in the cold for an hour before they started.  We didn't stay to watch very long once they started the process as we then walked over to Fado Irish Pub to celebrate!  We had to wait in line for about 30 minutes before we were able to get in.  Once in, we found a spot at the bar and hung out there for a few hours, drinking beer and nibbling on bar food.  It was entertaining talking to some of the other people who were there.  We then went back home, stopping at Lottie's for one more beer - and to do a little dancing - and then took a nap!  That evening, Shawna made leftover gumbo and we watched the Duke / UVA final ACC game - Duke won!!  


On Sunday, Shawna made pancakes for breakfast and then we relaxed until we had to drive John and JoAnna to the airport.  Another fun weekend in the books!