Sunday, June 26, 2011

MS 150 Bike Ride, CO - June 2011

This was my (Keith's) 3rd year doing the MS150 bike ride (a fundraiser for Multiple Sclerosis) - cycling from Front Range Community College in Westminster up to Ft Collins - 75 miles each way.  I was actually unsure if I was going to even do the ride because the weekend before, while in Napa, I pulled a hamstring in my left leg and got some kind of flesh-eating virus on my right leg (aka poison ivy).  I went ahead and rented the bike on Monday from Bicycle Village (3rd time - probably better to have bought one by now) but did not ride it until the Friday morning - just to see if I could even pedal a bike.  It wasn't pretty, but I could do it - and I was slow enough that no one would be behind me to see the disgusting poison ivy thing on my right leg.

I spent the Saturday riding out with Christine's husband Jack part of the way and Cal for another few miles.  It took about 5 hours of riding to get to Ft Collins - longer than previous years.  Our overnight was at the Best Western University Inn - not exactly luxury accommodation but it was across the road from campus so super-easy to get to.  We did our traditional dinner at Paninos followed by bed by 8pm.

Most of the team left Ft Collins on Sunday just after 6am.  I drafted off Jodi for 70 of the 75 miles on the way back, which meant that I made it back in 4:25 by freeloading off her work.

Yet another good ride: I was able to raise $1K toward the team contribution of $22K - and I am ready to be a cyclist - once I actually buy a street bike....

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